Revolutionary New Nano Technology Offers Fresh Solutions To World’s Water Needs

Revolutionary New Nano Technology Offers Fresh Solutions To World’s Water Needs

Summary: As needs for new water treatment technologies increase for industries as diverse as agriculture, bottled water, aquaculture, organ transplants and sewage treatment, a promising technology has emerged for the above problems. Recently the US Patent office granted a patent for a novel nanoplasmoid technology. This nano-technology goes beyond the traditional nanobubble, and creates a charged gaseous toroid inside of the generated nanobubbles. Results, achieved over the last four years, have demonstrated efficacy for supercharged drinking water, supercharged irrigation water, and unique solutions for the other areas of industry mentioned above

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Reduction of Ammonia Emission in Chicken Farms by Improved Water systems

Study: Reduction of Ammonia Emission in Chicken Farms by Improved Water Systems

Chuanwu Xi* , Liyan Song , Jianfeng Wu and Walter Bauer
Department of Environmental Health Sciences, University of Michigan School of Public Health, Ann Arbor, MI, USA and Bauer Energy Design Inc., Ontario, Canada

Background: Large scale and concentrated animal feeding operations have become the predominant method for modern animal husbandry to supply the market, but these operations lead to a number of adverse environmental problems. Ammonia production, the main contributor of livestock odor, often reduces the yield and increases operational costs on these farms.

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